My reason to keep going! :0)

About Me

My photo
I'm a wife, a mother, a step-mom, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, a neice, a friend but really most of all a mother! I've been married 13years to the love of my life Darrell. We have two kids, Julia (15) and Natalie (8)... The reason for my blog is to remind those sweet angels how much their parents love them. And to chronicle our journey back from Autism. Natalie was diagnosed at 2.5 years and we've been on our road to recovery ever since! If you have questions, just ask!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Wow!! I've been busy.  The last post on here was from 2011.  I've been busy and bad.  I knew it was here.  I knew I wanted to keep up with it so that when Natalie and Julia were older they would get to see some of the things that they did that made us proud, some funny things, and some things that made us struggle as parents!  It's been sitting here for 2 years.. all this time just waiting for me to update it!  I have more time now.  Natalie is now in 3rd grade and Julia is a freshman in HighSchool.  That doesn't even sound right?!  I have my days to myself to clean the house, take care of school things for Natalie and to run this family.  That includes time to write.  I'm excited about it and am going to do my best this time to keep up with the blog.  :)  We've moved into a comfortable spot right now with the family.  Everyone is doing so well that I count my blessings daily.  More to come soon!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I am thankful everyday for the blessings this little lady brings me! She's got such a big heart and I love to hear her laugh and see her smile!
I am thankful everyday for the special bond that these two have! I love to watch them. Whether it be playing on the floor or laying in bed reading a book.  She's so lucky to have such great father!
I am thankful that this other little lady came into my life 11 almost 12 years ago.  She's such a sweet girl and is blossoming into such a beautiful young woman.  She's a fantastic artist and such an animal lover, as seen here with our cat Lokai.
And last but not least, I am pretty thankful that this little mutt came into our lives!  There is never a dull moment with him around. Point proven the other day I let him out and went to check on him about 10 minutes later and noticed that he was throwing something up in the air and running around crazy.  I went out to investigate and it was a dead bird! Yeah, needless to say I was pretty upset but Darrell reminded me that "that's just what dogs do!" lol :)  Thanks Max for livening up my day on a daily basis! :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


We just got her report card back... she has improved SO much since October when we got her first one.  I am sooooo impressed with my little lady.  Most people will think "wow, she's doing well in KINDERGARTEN!" but most people don't realize what a magical "feat" this really is.  She's in an all inclusion class this year.  That means that she's in a regular Kindergarten class with ALL Neuro-typical kids flourishing on her own bascially... she goes get some help but unfortunately with poor funding in the schools not as much as I would like... but she's doing FANFREAKIN'TASTIC!!!! We were pretty worried whether or not she was going to be able to handle it but trust me she is rockin' it and progessing so much she simply amazes me! She is totally proving us all wrong that in fact she CAN do it and do it well... I continue to hope and pray for continued progress and recovery!! Although for now we will just be THRILLED with what we have.. a girl who is flourishing in Kindergarten.. and has so many friends she doesn't know what to do with all of them!! I LOVE YOU BABYGIRL... you make mommy and daddy so proud!!  Way to ROCK it! <3

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas is over.. let's move on! ;)

                                                                   HAPPY 2011!!!
This year Christmas was wonderful... very laid back.. very lovely.. there was snow.. there was food.. there was plenty of family.. and Santa made his visit with no trouble at all... the kids were THRILLED!
Having Natalie home on Winter break was a blessing and a curse... the blessing was that she was with us all the time and we got to spend extra time with her that we don't get to when she's in school.. the curse is that this little kid THRIVES on a schedule.. take it away from her and there is usually trouble. pretty quickly. By day three we were having issues... but thankfully we made it through winter break and headed back to school today... inbetween we celebrated the New Year.. 2011.. wow! I can't believe we are in another new year already.. it's going by so fast.. it's hard to believe that this year that one of my kiddos is going to be 7 an the other is going to be that dreaded word : a TEENAGER! omgoodness.. how did they grow up so fast?! ;(
New Year's weekend Darrell's oldest daughter, Caitlin, came to visit us... it was nice having her with us and all the girls hit it off nicely... Natalie met her back on Thanksgiving weekend but this was the first meeting with her and Julia.. she was pretty nervous, to the point that she made herself sick and cried and cried about it to her momma the night before she came to our house... but Caitlin walked in and gave them Christmas presents and I have to say, "that's all it took" Julia was hooked.. Caitlin had gotten Julia silly bandz in the shape of peace symbols that she had been looking for.. and honestly that was it.. she was hooked from then on... it was quite comical.. ;) It was fun having another woman in the house.. I think Darrell was feeling very outnumbered.. the only thing that helped was Max, the dog.. ;)  hehehe... we spent Saturday just hanging out around the house and getting to know one another.. we ordered pizza and watched "Dispicable Me"... the kids LOVED that movie.. on Sunday we went to my parents house for dinner and to open up stockings that included Caitlin as well... my mom has a wonderful tradition that she handmakes all of our stockings (we've had ours since we were little) and she was very nice to include Caitlin in the tradition as well... Dinner was nice, conversation was good and she got to meet my family (my parents and my brother and his wife.. all that was missing was my sister and her hubby Dave.. hopefully they'll get to meet sometime this summer!) It was really nice to have family around... I think that Caitlin had a good time with all of us.. here are a few pictures from the weekend...

 Tim's Wife Rose and Julia                                                                                Caitlin and Darrell

Tim sitting at my parent's house

My parents sitting on the couch watching the Colts game
(see the handmade stocking in the background?!)  :)

                     Natalie playing the keyboard
Natalie and I on NYE 2011
                                 Caitlin playing with her new phone from us.                                                                                     

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Elf on the Shelf..

I wish I had batteries for my camera right now... will have to get some soon.. because some of the hiding places that "buddy the elf" has hidden in the last week have been hilarious!!!!  He is our new tradition in our home this season... Buddy the elf on the shelf... we LOVE buddy!! He flies home to the North Pole every nigth to "report" to Santa Claus if Miss Natalie has been naughty or nice... and then he flies home early in the morning and hides in a different spot every morning.. so far he's been on the light fixture in the kitchen, on the curtain rod hanging upside down, in a bottle of sand that I have on a shelf, on our ledge watching over the phone and this morning in the Christmas tree itself.... she LOVES getting up every morning to see where he is hiding this time.. and if I say, Ohhhh buddy is watching, she usually changes her 'tude and starts acting like my sweet angel again... They have an elf on the shelf at school as well (which I LOVE) named Sparkles... she hides every morning too and reports back to Santy as well... ;)  I love that they have one at school too so that she is "being watched" at all possible points during the day! She loves Buddy... and Buddy loves her! ;)  
P.S.  I will post a picture or two of Buddy when I get the camera working... ;)

here is the offical website of Elf on the Shelf for those of you that don't know what it is!  :

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Road to my new and improved body!!

So.. yes, this is me.. all of me.  And that's going to change! When I look in the mirror I do not like what I see.  When I was younger I really weighed nothing.  I was skinny... the hubby has seen pictures and actually says I was way too skinny for his taste but I have to admit I liked it.  I liked looking down and being able to see my feet. lol..  I liked being able to wear a bikini and look pretty dang good. (just ftr I would NOT be caught dead in one now! oh the horror! lol) I loved being skinny and not having breathing issues or having trouble ever morning deciding what to wear because nothing in my closet fit.  I loved being able to walk into a store and try on pretty much anything I wanted because let's all face it they are totally catered to small, petite people unless you are in a store like Lane Bryant.  Do I really want to weigh 115 lbs. again? NOPE.  But a nice, healthy 140-150 would be FANTASTIC.  I dated a guy when I was younger who always told me that if I gained weight he was pretty sure that he couldn't stay with me.. wonder what he would think if he saw me now?! Actually, I don't really care what he would think.. I KNEW he wasn't the one for me when he said that. (well that and many other things but that was a big one!)  I mean seriously, what would of happened when I got pregnant with his child? I couldn't have gained a pound right?  Well I'm sorry but I gained weight with Natalie.. not as much as I thought I would because for the first five months I threw up everyday and actually lost weight because of it.  I knew that gaining weight was important to her to keep her healthy and I was ok with that.  But honestly in the last 6 years that she's been alive I've gained around 60 lbs.  when you break that down in years it's only 10 lbs. a year.. which doesn't seem too terribly bad.. but if you think about it, it's a lot of weight to put on a smaller frame.. Both of my biological parents were big people.. and pretty much my whole family has a short, stocky build.  I had promised myself that I would never get "fat" like that.. that I would never weigh more than 200 lbs. in my lifetime... well that day has come and gone... I can't believe I'm saying I weigh more that 200 lbs. but I am... I had gotten to around 170 and told myself.. "this isn't so bad, I'll be alright"... I hit 180 and said,"well I'm 20 lbs. away.. I just have to watch what I'm eating and I'll be fine".. I hit 190 and I stopped looking at the scale.. stopped weighing myself altogether.. in fact I think I hid that damn scale.  The only real reason I knew how much I weighed was a couple of months ago I was sick and had to give in and go to the doctor.. they always weigh you.. and the nurse had the audacity to say something along the lines of ,"wow, you've put on some weight since the last time we've seen you in here!" seriously?! you feel the need to tell me that?! wow! and this was coming from a woman who knows you never talk about a woman's age or weight! lol...
I've tried before to loose the weight.. I've tried a lot of different diets.. I've tried watching what I eat. I've tried taking pop out of my diet (of course it always works it's way back into my diet!) I've tried a lot of different things.. I've tried doing the whole exercise thing.. it goes well for a while and then eventually (if not sooner) I give up on that and go back to my comfortable ways.. In my heart of hearts I know that I need to loose the weight to be a healthier me.. I know that someone is going to need to be around for our special little lady.. I know that I don't want to not be around for her or for Darrell or for Julia.. and I know that heart disease runs in my family.. so things are stacked against me.  I'm determined this time! I'm determined to loose at least 50... I don't have a timeline (I've done that too before and I've never met the deadline and then I gave up because I never did..) this time.. I can't do that to myself again.. I don't have an action plan except that  I need to get on that darn treadmill everyday and I need to be watching what I eat and take out the pop and go back to drinking just water.  This is a goal of mine... I'm going to do what I can to make it happen.

so here are the hard, cold facts:
I'm 37 years old.
I'm 5'5
and I weigh 206 lbs. 
In the next year TWO of those numbers are going to change. I'm going to make sure of the last one, that's for sure! ;)

here are some of the reasons I know I can do this:

They are pretty good motivation aren't they!? :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Parenthood:It wasn't all it was cracked up to be!

So on Tuesdays I always sit down and watch a couple of shows.. I'll admit it, I still LOVE One Tree Hill.. mindless entertainment and I've watched it for years, so I'm invested in the characters.. My new favorite of the last year or so has become a show called "Parenthood"..  they have a child on there that has Asperger's Syndrome.  I have really enjoyed (for the most part) following "Max" and how the show has been portraying his character on here.. Max Burkholder does a FANTASTIC job portraying a child who has Autism.  I've really enjoyed watching how the show has been portraying the character and the syndrome itself until this week.  Now, I was overly excited about this show this week from the previews: it featured Adam, the father of Max, being told by a customer in front of them in line to "train your kid better" and that he feels sorry for him and that his kid was a (I hate to even say this word.. it's NOT in my vocabulary and NEVER has been..) Enter the "R" word here... Next thing you know Adam decks the guy.  Now.. that was within the first three minutes of the show. Great! I was excited to see how they played this out.. Cops showing up, jail time, having to call someone to come bail him out of jail, maybe showing him going to court to explain his reasoning.. or at least a preview to next week including a court date.. I mean, in the real world if someone punched you in the face you are more than likely going to at least call the cops right?! file charges? press the issue that you were just beat down in the corner market? right!? well in THIS world someone would have.  Not so in the land of T.V.  No cops showed up, they didn't even stay on the scene to see what the man was going to do.  All he did was look up at Adam appalled.  Fade scene.  Open to the next scene of someone else on the show doing something else.  Nothing was discussed.  They didn't show anything of what SHOULD of happened. 
I sat through the whole show waiting... waiting... waiting for them to really "deal" with what just happened.  Nothing.. The parents of Adam talked about how he was becoming more and more like the dad of the family and that maybe HE should go and talk to him about it.  That was it.  starts at 3:11, ends at 5:03.. that's less than two minutes.. and only 3 minutes in and this is what we get? The previews showed pretty much the whole scene... it drew you in.  Parents of children who have autism were sitting there thinking,"That could be me one day.. I don't ever want to be there but NO ONE is going to call MY child an "R" word EVER!"  The scene drew us in. Made us want more.  Made us want to watch the whole hour show to see where the writers were going to take this.  I know I was intrigued. 
Now, don't get me wrong.. I know there are 15 characters altogether on this show and that they all need screen time.. but you don't just have a scene so intense like this in the first 3 minutes of the show and then not address it at all... 38:15.. he finally tells his wife what happened.. a little earlier in the show they all came home from the supermarket and she asked how things went and he said they were fine.  That was all that was mentioned... at 38:15 he tells her that he hit a guy THE OTHER DAY at the supermarket.  "Wait a minute, you hit a guy?" "Yeah, we were are the store in the express lane.  Max counted that the guy in front of us had 17 items instead of 10.  Words were exchanged. He called Max a "R" and I hit him" "Wait a minute, he called Max a "R"? "YES!" "Well then I'm glad you hit him!"  end scene for the most part.. the went on to talk about how he doesn't want to end up like his dad.. but NOTHING about what happened, how it affected anyone, no consequences... honestly I am very disappointed in how they handled this.. it was a serious missed opportunity!  There was so much that could have been said, so many things that could have been done to make this a better show ABOUT Autism and what it does to the parents...  I honestly felt like they threw this situation in because #1 it draws in an audience and helps with ratings and #2because they already have an established story line with Max and they felt like the needed to have something in this episode about him.  I was not impressed. Had this happened in the real world, and let's face it I'm sure it has, the cops would have been called almost immediately and Adam's character would have been hauled off to jail because trust me that man who was hit was FURIOUS and would have pressed charges..
Us parents of children who have Autism deal with this kind of feeling on a daily basis.  The feeling that if someone looks at us or our child for throwing a temper tantrum or for doing the little quirky things that most of our children do at one point or another.. or snickering behind our backs about "Oh I would spank my child if they tried to pull that out in public" or "That mom/dad needs to train their child better" that we might just loose it like Adam did.   How many of us parents have tried to take our child out to the mall, or the movies, or out to dinner to try and do something that others would consider normal and take for granted and get treated like we have leprosy or something worse?  Being a parent is hard enough as it is.. throw in a little special needs to the mix and it's down right impossible on some days... Can I see myself in Adam's shoes punching out someone for calling my child that filthy word? you bet your bottom dollar. That's just me though.  When I showed the part of the episode in the supermarket to my wonderful husband he looked at me and said,"I hope I don't have to do that someday for Natalie!" but truth is: HE MIGHT!  People in this world are cruel. That's old news.  I'm actually better at it today then I was when she was younger right after her diagnosis. I admit there were days, mostly in Meijer of all places, that people felt the need to put in their two cents on how I "SHOULD" raise MY child.  And I will openly admit I had a few choice words for them that weren't very nice.  I can remember there was a time where I would have probably hauled off and hit this one lady but I held tight to the thought of "not in front of my child because I don't ever want her to be in that situation!"  So, like I said, I know how it feels as I'm sure a lot of my mom friends that have kids who have Autism.  We all go through it.  I'm much wiser now then I used to be but I have to admit that I think I might "pull an Adam" if someone called my beautiful daughter an "R"!!! wouldn't you at least think about it?! I know I would.
So, after the episode I set out on a mission to find out if the writer's of this show were affected in their lives with someone who has autism.  I wanted to know the purpose of why they chose to put this character in here... there is usually a reason.  And don't fool yourself, if you aren't touched by Autism yet, you will be, trust me on that.  1 in 91 children a year. I wanted to know why the chose to add a character into the mix and what their intentions were for the character.  And who did their research on the subject for them.  I came across this article:   (sorry for it coming from an Autism Speaks blog my friends who do not support them.. I myself am also one that does not support that organization for many, many reasons)    and also in my search I found this article as well that I thought was well written:
So, apparently to answer my question: YES, the writer and executive producer of the show, Jason Katims has a 13 year old son that has Asperger's.  So, even though they try to not parallel it to his son's life to "protect his innocence and privacy" he is in "tune" with living the life of a parent with a child who has Autism.  While that makes me a little more "at ease" that someone actually has personal experience in this field and that they aren't just basing it off of reading a book about it or hearing second hand from someone how their life is, I still feel as though they missed a great opportunity to share/spread knowledge of the life parents lead every day while dealing with their children.  Being the parent of a special needs child is overwhelming at best, and on sometimes a daily basis I feel like "putting someone in their place" for prejudging the situation.  I remember a post on MLM's website a year or so ago that was talking about how you can't really prejudge someone without knowing the whole situation.  Like seeing a five year old child with a pacifier in their mouth... Don't tell me you don't look at that child and think, "My goodness, that mother needs to take that thing and throw it away!"  come on, admit it. You've seen this very thing and you've thought that very thing.  But what you don't know is that most children who have Autism have some sort of sensory issues as well.. and sometimes the pacifier is the only way that that mother is going to get her shopping done that day because it's the only thing that soothes that child enough to be able to even be in that store on that particular day.  The situation on the show could have been handled so much better.  There was an opportunity for the parents to sit down and talk about it, there was an opportunity for the father to sit down with Max and explain how sometimes things in life just "aren't fair" and that there are some people that just feel like they do not have to follow the rules, there was an opportunity for Adam to sit down with his dad and talk about what happened and how it affected him.. Somewhere in the middle of the show there is a very small part where he and his father are on his brother's boat and they talk about it very briefly.  That lasted like seriously less than two minutes. 
I really hope that this show "shapes up" and really shows what life is like on a daily basis for a family who is dealing with this.  It really is one of my guilty pleasures but I have to admit this particular week I was HIGHLY disappointed.
here is the full episode if you want to watch and see what I'm writing about:

and for what it's worth: we as parents of children with special needs do not want your sympathy as the man in the episode so eloquently put it "I feel sorry for you, your kid is a burden!" What we do want is your patience and your understanding and for you to not judge our children.  We would like for you to maybe offer HELP when you see us struggling or just a kind gesture of some sort, NOT your jugdgement or your pity! My child is not sick, she HAS Autism!